While I Have a Minute....

So much has happened since we put our Christmas tree up! A timewarp for one...sorry for the huge delay! Here's some of the latest happenings...
Nolan turned 1!

Allison had a good time at the party too. She was even so luck to get a couple of gifts herself...

Here's the two pregos at the party - and if you look close enough...the proud daddies-to-be in the background.

Nolan's 1 year pictures....

And Valentines wishes to all....

And here's our little guy one year ago:

TBPosted: Nolan's first haircut & Allison helping @ Christi's baby shower


Kate said...

HOORAY for an update from you! I can't believe Nolan's 1 already. And Allison is as cute as ever. And thanks for posting the pregnant ladies. I've been dying to see their cute bellies!

Anonymous said...

How is he 1 already??? Time sure does fly by!

Hunsche Family said...

My gosh is he a cutie!! I love Allison's hair! They just get cuter and cuter.

Colleen Noble said...

We had a great time seeing you and the kiddos. They are so cute and BIG! Ours will be here soon!