Growing Pains

My youngest sister Taylor:

I'm not sure where the time has gone, but Taylor is now 12 years old and started her first day of 7th grade yesterday. I feel like she was just a toddler a couple of years ago! I remember waking up with her in the middle of the night - b/c she was a colic baby - taking her into my room and letting her fall asleep on my chest. I was in high school then...16 years old!
I just wanted to take time to say:
I want you to know I'm very proud of you, your accomplishments and who you've become. You've grown into a smart and beautiful young lady that I'm proud to have as a sister and aunt to my children. You bring happiness to the people around you with your witty sense of humor and smiling personality. You're always a great help to me with the kids - They love Aunt Tay-Tay! - and I appreciate you for that. I'm thankful that you're my sister and it's been hard watching you grow up so fast. Just remember that you're never too old to be loved on by your sisters! We love you fully and unconditional just the way you are, so don't change for anyone!
You're growing up...but you're still our little sister!

1 comment:

Kate said...

I can't believe she's 12... and I've never met her. I just still assume you have a 6-year-old sister. :) How lucky for your kids to have such a great aunt!