Tree Time

We finished decorating our Christmas tree today....YEAH! It's been a process that has been spread over three days due to holiday, work and school schedules. Regardless, decorating the Christmas tree has always been my favorite! I have an ornament for every year since my first Christmas - It was a tradition my grandmother started - So decorating the tree always brings back good family memories. Tony and I have passed this tradition on to our children and hope that it will bring joy and good memories to them as well.

A Princess and a Monkey

We kicked off our Halloween festivities by carving our pumpkin. We all had a part in creating Mr. Pumpkin - I drew the face, Tony carved, Allison removed the guts, and Nolan supervised. Tony hadn't carved a pumpkin in quite some he sliced off Mr. Pumpkin's top tooth! He wasn't too upset...he just kept smiling!

Grandma and Grandpa Henegar came over and brought Lisa and Lucas along with them. My dad stopped by as well, to celebrate Nolan's first Halloween with us. All three kids went trick-or-treat and was out for an hour and half! No one cried, no one threw a fit - I can't believe it!
Afterwards, everyone enjoyed some Skyline and and candy. It was a really fun night!

My Lucky Day - 5 Years Ago Today...

Yes, it's been five years since we all jumped plane and went to Vegas! What a great time we had and we were so fortunate to have so many of our friends and family present. Thank you for being a part of our day...Elvis glasses and all!
To My Husband:
Thank you for being a kind and loving man- when I'm upset or hurt
Thank you for being supportive- when I want to better myself
Thank you for being a wonderful father- when our children look up to you
Thank you for being a great provider- when times are hard
Thank you for the laughs- when I have wanted to cry
Thank you for having faith in me- when I have had little or none
Thank you for your encouragement- when I start to doubt
Thank you for being my husband- when anyone would be lucky to have you!
Happy 5 Years!
Love Always - Kristin

"Nolan Boy"

I feel like we've been neglecting Nolan on our blog - So, this is an update on our little man:
He's crawling - as the video shows
He has two teeth now
He's pulling himself up onto his knees
Drinking from a sippy cup and...Breaking hearts.
The picture is Nolan holding hands with my friend's daughter Libby - holding hands and watching Handy Manny. It's a real date!

First Trip to the Emergency Room:

Allison had a fall Saturday night that has resulted in a broken elbow. She was trying to climb onto a stool - to color a picture for her cousin's birthday - and she slipped.

Trying not to be a paranoid parent - since there was no swelling or abnormalities - I decided to wait it out and she how she did with her arm the next day before rushing to the E.R.

Needless to say, she was having troubles, so I took her to Children's Hospital. Her X-ray determined a break in her elbow (even though she kept pointing to her wrist). She's wearing a splint and Peanut's sling until it gets casted this week - hopefully it will heal fast!

Here's a picture of Allison passed out in the car after the ride home from the hospital:

Nothing heals bones better than chocolate milk - right?

First Trip to the Dentist

Allison had her first dentist appointment this past Thursday and did sooo good! She gets pretty nervous at times, so I was pleasantly surprised we got through the entire visit without her freaking out - She got to watch Tony get his teeth cleaned beforehand, so I think that helped. She refused to sit in the seat by herself, so I got to sit with her and coach her.
Say Aaaaaaaa!

I'm Playing Catch-up

Sunday morning donuts with Mommy

Sunday afternoon game with Daddy.

Oh Deer!

Tony and I have recently been fighting a battle to keep both of our kids well for 6 weeks now - everything from pink-eye to strep throat - downside to daycare. I decided to get them both out of the house one Saturday afternoon since Allison was getting a little cranky from being cooped up, so we picked up Aunt Taylor and we went to Hueston Woods to see the deer. Allison was so excited that she was going to see the deer. The last time we went, they were lying out of sight and probably didn't much feel like visiting a 3 year old yelling "Deeeeeer! Come out deer!" - she was so upset that she didn't get to see them and talked about "deers not coming out!" for weeks!

This time we could see them, but once again they didn't seem interested in seeing us. As soon as we turned to leave, one got up and started walking over and the rest followed. Allison loved feeding them crackers even though see was a little hesitant at first.

Growing Pains

My youngest sister Taylor:

I'm not sure where the time has gone, but Taylor is now 12 years old and started her first day of 7th grade yesterday. I feel like she was just a toddler a couple of years ago! I remember waking up with her in the middle of the night - b/c she was a colic baby - taking her into my room and letting her fall asleep on my chest. I was in high school then...16 years old!
I just wanted to take time to say:
I want you to know I'm very proud of you, your accomplishments and who you've become. You've grown into a smart and beautiful young lady that I'm proud to have as a sister and aunt to my children. You bring happiness to the people around you with your witty sense of humor and smiling personality. You're always a great help to me with the kids - They love Aunt Tay-Tay! - and I appreciate you for that. I'm thankful that you're my sister and it's been hard watching you grow up so fast. Just remember that you're never too old to be loved on by your sisters! We love you fully and unconditional just the way you are, so don't change for anyone!
You're growing up...but you're still our little sister!

A Weekend in Indy

Tony and I took the kids up to Indy this past weekend so they could enjoy the Indianapolis Children's Museum. We met up with some friends and their kids Saturday and spent the night in a hotel and went to the museum the next morning. This is Allison with her daddy enjoying the pool at the hotel. She loves the water and wants so desperately to be able to swim on her own!

Allison digging for dinos...

Nolan enjoyed the Carousel of Dreams...

Tony took time to teach Nolan the important things in life...Mario Bros.

I was more interested in playing than Allison was.

Her look says it all!

Here's one for Uncle Joe-Joe...

Balloon Glow

The kids and I went to the Midfirst Challenge in Middletown this weekend to check out the balloons. Since it was soooo hot, we skipped the balloon launch and went later for the balloon glow. It ended up cooling down a bit and the three of us enjoyed our night.

Nolan was a little more interested in the balloons than having his picture taken.

Allison Turns 3!

Allison's offically 3!

Enjoying a birthday cupcake. Mmmmm!

Allison spent her special day with friends and family at our place. Her big present was her swing set (thank you grandmas and grandpas). As you can see, it was a big hit!

Big News!

Guess who's having a baby.....

Joey and Christi Henegar!!!!
The parents-to-be are very excited and will be expecting their little one sometime in March (maybe around Uncle Tony's birthday)!

As you can see, Christi has her hands full with a bigger baby right now!

Fun from the Fourth

Allison got to enjoy Fairfield City's fireworks with her friends Michael & Brayden. Allison didn't enjoy the show very much...I think it was too loud for her, but she talks about wanting to see the fireworks again so no permanent damage done!

Allison & Nolan Update:

Allison will be turning 3 next week! She's changed so much over the past year. She started attending Noah's Ark Child Development Center last September and her social skills took off. She's now potty trained (quite the big deal around here) and is ready to move into the pre-school room once a spot opens up for her. She loves going on bike rides w/ me to the library and loves spending time w/ daddy doing ANYTHING. What a daddy's girl! He's the first and last thing she talks about everyday. Allison seems to love being a big sister to Nolan and will try to play mommy any chance she gets. She keeps our lives interesting...there's never a dull moment when she's around. I look at her and wonder where the time has gone and I'm so grateful that she's our little girl.

Nolan is now 5 months! Hard to believe. He's been attending Noah's Ark as well and has captured the hearts of all the ladies who take care of him there. He has such a sweet soul and smiles anytime someone smiles at him, especially his big sister. Nolan has learned how to rollover, but hasn't figured out that he can get around by doing so. He's a mommy's boy, but looks just like his daddy (even though Tony says he doesn't see it). He's made our family complete and I look forward to watching him grow.