Memorial Camping

Camping with the kids is one of my favorite things to do. Allison absolutely LOVES to camp and would live on a campsite if we let her. We went camping with Tony's family (as we usually do), but it was the first time Tony got to stay overnight with the kids (usually prevented by his work schedule). We had a blast! Nolan loved discovering his new surroundings and behaved so well for a curious toddling boy. They both played with their cousins - Luke, Jack, & Libby (Zach was there too, but he wasn't up for playing).

All the kids went for many walks to the park - All the adults had to take turns entertaining the kids. Allison loves to go-go-go and was always the first in the stroller or wagon as you can see.

We broke out bubbles and water guns to play with. The kids enjoyed the bubbles and the adults enjoyed the water guns :) Even Peggy was chasing Mark around the site!

Allison and Libby at the park.

Zach during an upset moment. We tried to tell him the Reds were ahead, but he thought the previous call was a bad one!

Nolan played cards with Luke in the wagon - It kept them busy for minutes!

My sister Taylor and Elwood.

We went down to the waterfall (very small, but pretty and not pictured). Allison was nervous at first because she thought we expected her to jump off and go swimming like the other kids there. Once she knew she wasn't, she enjoyed it. Elwood even ventured took a little convincing from my dad the first time, but he did!

Horsin' Around at Great Grandpa's & Grandma's

We enjoyed time with my grandparents last weekend and the kids enjoyed seeing and riding the horses. Allison would probably stay down at the barn with them if we let her.

Nolan "petting" Susie. He got brave enough to touch her nose and ever time he did he'd turn around and laugh histaricly. It really was too cute.

Nolan with my baby sister Taylor.

Grandma helping Allison onto the horsie. My aunt is trying to teach Allison the correct horse riding lingo since my Grandpa keeps threatening to get her a pony.

Grandpa had his camera out too...we're the picture takers.