Pumpkins and Park

After the Bengals lost today, we took the kids out so Allison could pick out her pumpkin (I had already bought one a Kroger which became Nolan's b/c Tony felt I was skimping on the experience). So we went to our local pumpkin dealer to do it right!
As you can see, it was a difficult decision.

Nolan kept trying to pick up every pumpkin he came across...

Allison finally settled on a perfect pumpkin, not too big, not too small. She's happy and that's all that matters.

Then we were off to the park!


"Look at Mommy Nolan"...

And after playing so hard, Allison PASSED OUT - And no Dad, she was not posed!

The First Day of School

Allison had her first day of Pre-kindergarten (1/2 day sessions) last Wednesday and being the crazy, overbearing mother I am...I got a play-by-play of her big day :)
Allison at the bus stop...
Allison posing with her mommy and daddy at the bus stop...
Allison posing with her brother at the bus stop...
Allison getting on the bus at the bus stop...
Allison getting off the bus at school (not at the bus stop)...
Allison waiting in line before going to class - notice the fear is setting in...
Allison staring blankly while waiting in line...
Allison shuffling off to class - she has informed me the girl in front of her is Cassie and she sits with her in class...
Allison getting off the bus - which riding the bus is her favorite part of the school experience...
Allison celebrating her first day of school with dinner at Skyline...
I warned you about the play-by-play!
We're very proud of her and her teacher said she's doing very well. She seems to really enjoy it and is excited to go back each day.
PS...Her daddy brought her flowers home today to celebrate her first week in school - how sweet is that?!

A Day @ King's Island

I decided to treat Allison to a fun day out before she had to start school, so I took her and her little "boyfriend" Davis to King's Island. I had sooo much fun with them and discovered Allison is quite the thrill-seeker. Her timid personality is no where to be seen when she's at an amusement park and the bigger and faster the rides are - the better!
Davis was a good sport - King's Island is old news to him, but it was Allison's first time and she wanted to ride every ride kiddie-land had to offer.

This is pretty funny - We're on the roller coaster and I was trying to secretly film Allison. We didn't even reach the top of the first incline and I got yelled at on the loud speaker to put my camera away! She LOVED the roller coaster and I was a little worried about her reaction (only b/c I took my little sister Taylor on the same coaster at the same age and it traumatized her! She wouldn't get w/i 1000 feet from a coaster afterwards!) Allison however giggled, squealed, and had her hands in the air the whole time!

Chicago Trip - Part III...a bit overdue

A Visit to Joe & Jill's
After our trip to the zoo, we got to hang out at Joe and Jill's new place. The kids had fun playing in the yard and were easily amused with a little slide and a ball.
Here's Tony and his friends (Joe and John), and each with their kids (Anthony, Kylar, and Gianna).

Nolan pretty much spent the whole time with this soccer ball...

Allison and Gianna tossing the mini b-ball...

Anthony having a ball...

We had a great time in Chicago, as we always do thanks to our friends!

Chicago Trip - Part II

A trip to the zoo - yes, we like going to the zoo!
This was the second half of our first full day in Chicago. The kids had a great time - Nolan enjoyed walking around more than viewing the animals.

Two peas in a pod...walking into the zoo.

A couple of the animals we saw...

Allison being uncooperative for our family picture...

Nolan riding the red-eyed cicada on the zoo's carousel...

Allison rode the zebra...

More to come including our trip to Joe and Jill's :)

Trip to Chicago - Part I

A Trip to the Park
We got to visit the Hunsche's' in Chicago this past weekend and got a lot accomplished in our short stay.
On our first full day there, we got to go to our favorite breakfast joint S&G's, then we went to the park. As you can see, Allison and Gianna were pretty much inseparable. Nolan was more interested in walking around and tried to join some guys on the B-ball court at one point. The kids really enjoyed eachother's company and had a blast playing together!

Welcome to the Zoo-Zoo-Zoo...

We took the kids to the zoo last week and out everything there, Allison wanted to see the rhinoceros - or "noceros"- the most. Who would think?! Since there was no big crowd around the rhino, I was able to get a good picture forCheck Spelling her :)

We took a ride on the train...

Pet the goats in the Children's Zoo section...

Saw the some Polar Bears...

And Allison finished her zoo trip with a rhino picture!

This was one of three fun things we did this past week, so I'll try to post the others soon!