My Lucky Day - 5 Years Ago Today...

Yes, it's been five years since we all jumped plane and went to Vegas! What a great time we had and we were so fortunate to have so many of our friends and family present. Thank you for being a part of our day...Elvis glasses and all!
To My Husband:
Thank you for being a kind and loving man- when I'm upset or hurt
Thank you for being supportive- when I want to better myself
Thank you for being a wonderful father- when our children look up to you
Thank you for being a great provider- when times are hard
Thank you for the laughs- when I have wanted to cry
Thank you for having faith in me- when I have had little or none
Thank you for your encouragement- when I start to doubt
Thank you for being my husband- when anyone would be lucky to have you!
Happy 5 Years!
Love Always - Kristin

"Nolan Boy"

I feel like we've been neglecting Nolan on our blog - So, this is an update on our little man:
He's crawling - as the video shows
He has two teeth now
He's pulling himself up onto his knees
Drinking from a sippy cup and...Breaking hearts.
The picture is Nolan holding hands with my friend's daughter Libby - holding hands and watching Handy Manny. It's a real date!