First Trip to the Emergency Room:

Allison had a fall Saturday night that has resulted in a broken elbow. She was trying to climb onto a stool - to color a picture for her cousin's birthday - and she slipped.

Trying not to be a paranoid parent - since there was no swelling or abnormalities - I decided to wait it out and she how she did with her arm the next day before rushing to the E.R.

Needless to say, she was having troubles, so I took her to Children's Hospital. Her X-ray determined a break in her elbow (even though she kept pointing to her wrist). She's wearing a splint and Peanut's sling until it gets casted this week - hopefully it will heal fast!

Here's a picture of Allison passed out in the car after the ride home from the hospital:

Nothing heals bones better than chocolate milk - right?

First Trip to the Dentist

Allison had her first dentist appointment this past Thursday and did sooo good! She gets pretty nervous at times, so I was pleasantly surprised we got through the entire visit without her freaking out - She got to watch Tony get his teeth cleaned beforehand, so I think that helped. She refused to sit in the seat by herself, so I got to sit with her and coach her.
Say Aaaaaaaa!

I'm Playing Catch-up

Sunday morning donuts with Mommy

Sunday afternoon game with Daddy.